> 唯美句子 > tell两种用法造句。


1.Never tell me! 我才不信呢! 2I tell them that I have been to Kunming. 我告诉他们我去过昆明。 3.Tell me another! ]我不信!哪有这种事儿! 4 Can you tell me how to get to Chinatown? 您能告诉我去唐人街怎么走吗? 5.Who can tell?


1.Never tell me! 我才不信呢! 2I tell them that I have been to Kunming. 我告诉他们我去过昆明。 3.Tell me another! ]我不信!哪有这种事儿! 4 Can you tell me how to get to Chinatown? 您能告诉我去唐人街怎么走吗? 5.Who can tell?


tell about(v.+prep.)告诉有关…的情况 give sb information such as a story, concerning sb/sth ▲tell about sb/sth She told about Linda, who was very kind to her.她谈了谈林达的情况,林达对她非常好。

He told about his plans.他谈到他的计划。

tell against(v.+prep.)证实对…不利 be recorded as unfavourable to sb/sth ▲tell against sb/sth In an investigation, a new fact became known, which told against him.在调查中新发现了一件对他不利的事实。

Her poor eyesight is bound to tell against her applying for a job.她视力不好,必然不利于她找工作。

tell apart(v.+adv.)区分开 be able to recognize the difference between (two or more people or things)〔说明〕 tell apart通常不用于进行体。

▲tell sb/sth apartThe two brothers are so much alike that their own mother can hardly tell them apart.这两兄弟长得太像了,连他们的母亲几乎都不能区分他们。

tell from(v.+prep.)辨别 be able to distinguish one person or thing from another▲tell sb/sth from sb/sth Can you tell her from her twin sister?你能将她和她的孪生姐妹分开吗?How can we tell the good from the bad?我们怎么能区分好坏?He is a fellow who can't tell right from wrong.他是个分不清是非的人。

tell it like it is讲真话,说实话 speak the truth; be perfectly honestJoe is our monitor, he should tell it like it is.乔是我们的班长,他会告诉你实情。

He's very straightforward, you can be sure he'll always tell it like it is.他很直率,你可以相信他总是讲实话的。

tell me another不见得 not believe sth You won first prize in a talent contest?Tell me another!你在才能竞赛中获得了一等奖?不见得吧!tell of(v.+prep.)告诉某人有关…的情况或信息 give sb information such as a story, concerning sb/sth 〔说明〕 tell of通常不用于进行体。

▲tell of sth I'm telling here of a time long ago.我现在讲的是很久以前的故事。

He also told of the intimate friendship he had formed with the Burudi people.他还讲到了他和布隆迪人民结下的亲密友谊。

They told of the excellent situation prevailing in their province.他们谈了谈他们省的大好形势。

The book tells of her sister's life in new China.这书谈到了她妹妹在新中国的生活情况。

Her blush told of her embarrassment.她脸红显露出她的困窘。

The calculating look in his eyes told of Norman blood.他那工于心计的眼神显示出他有诺曼人的血统。

▲tell sb of sth She told us of the difficulties she had met with in her work.她给我们谈了谈她在工作中碰到的困难。

She told me of what she had been reading and her plan for the next term.她给我讲了一下她这段时间看的书和她下学期的计划。

We must tell them of our decision.我们应当把我们的决定告诉他们。

tell on〔upon〕(v.+prep.)〔说明〕 tell on〔upon〕不用于被动结构。

▲tell on〔upon〕 sb/sth 1.告发 inform on sb I missed the lesson and John told on me.我缺了这堂课,约翰告发了我。

I won't ever do it again,I swear.Please don't tell on me.我永远也不会再干那样的事了,我起誓,请不要告发我。

2.产生(坏的)影响 have a bad effect onWorking on the night shift is really beginning to tell on Colin; he's looking very tired.上夜班真的开始影响科林的健康了,他看上去非常疲倦。

All those years' worry and hard work are beginning to tell on Tom.这些年的烦恼和劳累已开始对汤姆产生影响。

It's the strain of putting the job through that has told on me.完成这项任务过于劳累,对我产生了影响。

His age is beginning to tell on him.他开始显得衰老了。

This work is telling on his health.这工作正在影响着他的健康。

All the late nights are telling on my work.这些天熬夜对我的工作产生了坏的影响。

tell to sb's face当面讲 not speak of it behind sb's back▲tell sth to sb's faceAn upright man ought to tell a man of a fault to his face instead of speaking of it behind his back.一个正直的人应该当面讲出别人的缺点,而不应在背后议论。


首先是say:之后要有说的内容,如He said nothing.Speak:后一般加语言名称,如He can speak Chinese.talk:交谈,如:He often talks with me during lunchtime.此时talk也可改为chat(闲谈)call:一般用于打电话中,如:He will call me later.tell:告诉,如:He is talling me an interesting story.另附上字典中的解释Say1.说,讲;表达;表明,宣示;声明,主张,断定。

all you know and say it without reserve. 知无不言,言无不尽。

S- no more. 别再说了。

Never say die! 不可气馁! Do you mean what you say? 你是说真的吗? 你说的是当真的吗? I mean what I say. 我说了是算数的。

S- what you mean. 把你的意思说明白。

Do you say so 那是真的吗? You don't say (so)! 未必吧!不至于吧!真的! You may well say so. 你那样说可能(固然)对;你不妨那么说。

Who shall I say, sir (传达者问来客)你是哪一位? 请问尊姓? I'll say so. 〔美俚〕你说得很对;我也同意。

He said “Yes”.= “Yes,” said he. 他说“是”。


to be said or sung 供诵读或歌唱。

say one's lessons 背功课,背书。

3.〔祈使句〕假定(说),比如说,就说,姑且说,大约 (=let us say )。

a few of them, say a dozen 其中几个人,假定[比如说]一打左右吧。

a couple of hours, say from four to six 两个钟头的时间,比方说从四点到六点。

4.〔美口〕= I say 〔见下〕。


as much as to say 等于说;好像是说…一样地;像要说…似地。

as to say 〔插入语〕也就是说。

Easier said than done. 〔谚语〕说着容易做时难。

have nothing to say for oneself 〔口语〕总是不开口;没话可说,一言不发。

have something to say for oneself 有要辩白的话。

have something [nothing] to say to [with] 要〔不〕对[和]…争辩,有话要说[没话可说],有[没有]关系。

hear say 听说,据说。

I cannot say . 我不知道。

I cannot say much for .... 对…不以为…怎样好;对…不敢恭维。

I dare say 〔插入语〕大概;许是,我想。

I say=〔美口〕;喂;喂喂;哎呀;我是说…〔加强语气〕;哎呀 ( I say, John=〔美国〕say, John 喂,约翰。

I say, what a beauty! 哎呀!好漂亮的人[东西])! I should say (that) 大概,许是。

I should say not 我以为不是那样。

(It) goes without saying that 当然不用说…。

It is said that .... 据说,听说。

(let us) say 比如说;大约。

may well say that …很可以说。

mean what one says 是当真的。

No sooner said than done. 一说就做;说到做到。

not to say ...,虽不能说…,即使不说 ( It is warm, not to say hot. 虽说不上热,但也很暖和了)。

say a good word for 替…说好话,替…说情,替…辩护,推奖。

S- away! 完全说出来吧;尽量说吧! say for oneself 分辩,争辩。

S- on. 说下去,继续说吧。

say nay 否认;拒绝。

say one's prayers 祷告。

say one's say [word] 说出自己的想法;把话说完;畅所欲言。

say out 坦白说出,直说。

say over [again] 1. 再说,反复说。

2. 背诵…。

say something =saygrace 饭前后的祷告;即席演说几句。

say something of 批评。

say the word (下)命令。

say to do 〔美俚、英卑〕叫,命 (He said (for me) to tell you not to come. 他叫(我)告诉你不要来。

They said to telephone. 他们叫(我)打电话)。

say (sth.) to oneself 暗自思量,心想,心中盘算。

★“自言自语”是 talk to oneself. so to say 〔插入语〕 1. 好比,活像是,恰如,正像。

2. 可以这么说。

That is saying a great deal. 这可了不得。

that is (to ) say 〔插入语〕即,换句话说,(也)就是说;至少。

They say ... 据说,听说。

There is no saying .... 很难说,说不准。

though I say it (who should not) 虽然不应该由我来说;我来说虽然不太好。

to say nothing of 〔插入语〕更不用说,更不待言,更不必说。

to say the least of it 至少〔插入语〕可以(这样)说;退一步说。

What do you say to (a walk)? =What say you to (a walk)? (去散散步)你说怎么样[以为怎么样]? (散步)好不好? What I say is .... 我的意思是…。

when all is said (and done) 结果;毕竟。


1. 告诉,告知;说,讲No one had told them about the drug's side effects. 没人告诉过他们这种药品的副作用。

Tell me your phone number again. 再给我说一遍你的电话号码。

She told us some funny stories about her sister. 她给我们说了一些有关她妹妹的趣事。

Tell me straight, Adam. Just answer yes or no. 你跟我直说吧,亚当。


2. 显示;提示;说明 The light tells you when the machine is ready. 机器就绪后提示灯会亮。

What do these fossils tell us about climate change? 这些化石告诉我们哪些气候变化信息? 3. 命令,吩咐;给…下命令The teacher told the children to sit down quietly. 老师叫孩子们安安静静地坐下。

Stop trying to tell me what to do all the time. 别老是对我指手画脚的。

4. 知道;看出;认出She might have been lying. Benjy couldn't tell. 也许她是在撒谎,本吉也说不清楚。

You could tell a mile off that he was lying. 一看就知道他是在撒谎。

5. .识别,辨别,分辨How can you tell a fake Vuitton handbag from the real thing? 你怎么辨别路易威登手袋的真假?6. .提醒自己某事,告诉自己某事I keep telling myself there is nothing I could have done to save him. 我不断告诉自己,我当时实在是没有办法救他。

7. 警告,告诫I told you it was a waste of time talking to him. 我告诉过你,跟他讲是浪费时间My mother told me not to trust Robert. 我妈妈叫我不要相信罗伯特。

8. 告诉,告状〔尤为儿语〕If you hit me, I'll tell. 你要是打我,我就去告你的状。

9. 〔尤指小孩〕打小报告an unpopular boy, who was always telling tales on the other children 一个不招人喜欢、总爱打小报告的小男孩10. 总共,合计There must have been eight cars in the accident, all told. 这次事故肯定涉及到总共八辆汽车。

11. 产生影响〔尤指有害的影响〕These late nights are really beginning to tell on him. 这些天熬夜真的开始让他吃不消了。


high与tell 意思不同,用法也不同。

1、high 可作形容词“高的”,也可作副词“高”。

如:1 ). This mountan is higher than that one. (high 作形容词)这座山比那座山高。

2). Jim jumps higher than John .( high 作副词)吉姆比约翰跳得高。

2、tell 的意思是“ 告诉,说;辨别;吩咐;断定”如1).She told me that she would be back in an hour.她告诉我她一个小时内就会回来。

2). Can you tell the differences between the two words ?你能区别这两个词吗?3). Tell him not to come tomorrow.叫他明天别来。


应该是C,其实有时候做题不要想得太复杂,这里考的就是tell sb (not) to do这个考点当然tell确实可以接从句 sb tell (that )/sb tell sb (that)但你说的祈使句从句我貌似没有听说过,这里如果要用从句,我觉得应该这样说Father aften tells me (that)we shouldn't spend too much time on computer games.


1、ask:第三人称单数: asks ;现在分词: asking ;过去式: asked ;过去分词: asked;vt.:询问;邀请;请求允许;要价;如:ask Sb. sth;ask sb. (not ) to do sth.要求某人做某事vi.要求;询问;请,邀请;2、tell :现在分词是 telling;过去式是told;过去分词是told;vt. 告诉,说;辨别;吩咐;断定;如:tell Sb. Sth ;tell Sb. (not ) to do sth 告诉某人做某事vi. 讲述;告发,泄密;识别;ask常用短语:ask sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事ask for sth.要……,要求……ask sb.for sth.向……要……ask a question of sb.问某人一个问题 ask sb.sth.问某人某事eg:Excuse me. May I ask you a question? 请原谅, 我可以问个问题吗?tell常用短语tell sb.sth.意为“将某事告诉某人”,也可以作tell sth.to sb.其反义为tell sb.not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不要做某事” eg: He is telling the children a story.他正在给孩子们讲一个故事。


1.Never tell me! 我才不信呢! 2I tell them that I have been to Kunming. 我告诉他们我去过昆明。

3.Tell me another! ]我不信!哪有这种事儿! 4 Can you tell me how to get to Chinatown? 您能告诉我去唐人街怎么走吗? 5.Who can tell? tell,用法,造句1.Never tell me! 我才不信呢! 2I tell them that I have been to Kunming. 我告诉他们我去过昆明。

3.Tell me another! ]我不信!哪有这种事儿! 4 Can you tell me how to get to Chinatown? 您能告诉我去唐人街怎么走吗? 5.Who can tell?...



tell sb sth=tell sth to sb告诉某人某事 显然这件事情已发生过或将要发生,但不需要被通知者去完成;如She tells me a thing that...=She tells a thing to me。

而tell sb to do sth 意为“告诉某人去做某事”,即事情需要被通知者完成~如:She tells me to do this job~...