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傲慢 教条 虚伪 自卑 怯懦 吝啬 下流 挑剔 聒噪 幼稚 可笑 苛刻 沉闷 懒散 懒惰 多疑 顽固 固执


公事私办 贪得无厌 好吃懒做 卑鄙无耻 寡廉鲜耻 厚颜无耻 奴颜媚骨 恬不知耻 以怨报德 惹草拈花 俗不可耐

淫辞秽语 荒淫无耻 水性杨花 暗箭伤人 嫁祸于人 落井下石 无事生非 巧取豪夺 无恶不作 同流合污 挑拨离间

为虎作伥 助纣为虐 恩将仇报 过河拆桥 六亲不认 趋炎附势 老奸巨猾 笑里藏刀 心怀叵测 心术不正 造谣生事

狼心狗肺 丧尽天良 丧心病狂 狗仗人势 穷凶极恶 包藏祸心 诡计多端 借刀杀人 居心叵测 出尔反尔 尔虞我诈

口蜜腹剑 自欺欺人 言而无信 呼幺喝六 咄咄逼人 横行无忌 蛮不讲理 蛮横无理 强词夺理 专横跋扈 狐假虎威

仗势欺人 妄自尊大 得陇望蜀 欲壑难填 见利忘义 久假不归 好吃懒做 拈轻怕重 见异思迁 随波逐流 厚此薄彼

绵里藏针 冥顽不灵 不学无术 有眼无珠 不识时务 不识大体 自私自利 缺乏自信 感情用事 心胸狭窄 脾气暴燥

多嘴多舌 嚣张跋扈 令人厌恶


温文尔雅 理直气壮 口若悬河 年轻有为 谈笑风生 明眸皓齿 目光如柱 英姿勃勃 伶牙俐齿 面如冠玉 博学多才;


优雅 纯朴 稚气 俊秀 清秀 可爱 楚楚动人 贤淑贤惠 聪颖 灵秀 俊俏 俊美 美丽,大方,温柔,可爱,单纯,纯洁

闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 倾国倾城 温婉娴淑 千娇百媚 仪态万千 国色天香 花容月貌 明目皓齿 淡扫峨眉 清艳脱俗 香肌玉肤 仪态万端 婉风流转 美撼凡尘 聘婷秀雅 娥娜翩跹 俏丽多姿 风姿卓越 顾盼流转 清丝纠缠 举步轻摇 明艳不可方物 艳冠群芳 剪水双瞳 美艳绝伦 神仙玉骨 楚楚动人


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King Harry Winston Diamond

Harry Winston is one of more than hundred years of world-renowned super-jewelry brand, has a harry Winston means associating with the legend.

In his 12 years of age by 25 cents from a pile of fake gems found an emerald worth 880 U.S. dollars

Duke of Windsor once said to him: "My friend mentioned that you have a very good jewelry ... ..."

Marilyn Monroe in the musical "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and once sang: "Talks to me, Harry Winston, tell me all about it ... ..."

First of all, the "Diamond King" laudatory name of Harry Winston has always been to select only the best gemstones raw materials, handling over numerous treasures, one of the company's most proud of.

In addition, Harry Winston brand, arts and crafts can be described as impeccable. In order to allow the diamond the size of the content of sodium in the smallest maximum light, a good cutting practices play a key role. As a leader in the diamond-cut Harry Winston Fancy sacrifice weight for each of the original rock stars to find the most suitable cutting shapes, respect for each one of the original stones of this type, eventually the most perfect diamonds shine light.

At the same time, Harry Winston's unique mosaic approach is also a reason of its international reputation. In order to respect the characteristics of each of their own diamonds, Harry Winston顶never a good pre-draw the design to look for precious stones, but in accordanc......更多唯美的句子:www.laorenka.com