> 唯美句子 > 年轻人为什么要奋斗英语作文




Struggle in the heart of the tao ancient theory, struggle today without limits, and all struggle.


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Struggle is life, and it is also the driving force of all life conditions.


In our real life, will experience many setbacks, a person's whole life is never problem-free life path as same winding brook. This time, how should we do? Is escape? Or surrender? Or blind? So all not line, we need -- brave struggle.


Prodect winners necessary weapons -- struggle.


Hua luogeng said: "for the Chinese to dig up and reading." This is struggle. He became a great mathematician, was entirely his struggle results. He, with "for the Chinese determination establishes ambitious goals in life, on reading open mathematics heaven and earth. I believe you all want such as great as the beams of our motherland. So, we need to establish their own team goal, to work hard. What are you waiting for? Ctivity. Hurry struggle life!



Why do we will only shrink from difficulties? When we encounter difficulties, instead of relying on the classmate? Even depend on their parents, so useful? I can firmly said: "it is useless. Soon, five, four, three, no! Perhaps this will step into the society.


Everyone said: "reading is the best way." And I think that's struggle is the only way out. No matter what your job is, need you to strive, otherwise you are sleeping turn. Impending death also does not know. In society, as the saying goes: "the survival of the fittest, sick eliminated." This is always remind us to strive for life. If no goal to strive like no eyes a fly, without direction, not yo the goal, the thing north and south are confused, so how to struggle! So make sure target again go to struggle.


New China's success, how many heroic fight for it? Including now, China has flourished rises, it is inseparable from the Chinese communist party hard struggle.



Hello! Today, I want to topic is my dream.

BianLan prodect, any one's success is its ideals of youth. Einstein's famous physicists to realize my ideal of struggle, finally developed household relativity, Ms lantern in the ideal incentive nightingale, with his actions of countless soldiers warm heart... Of course, I also have ideal, is when a writer!

In my eyes, as a writer is a holy thing. Sitting on the desk, moment constantly to catch the brain of rapid flashes, will they written up, then with excitement silently with a few times, this is a kind of enjoyment. Besides writers can benefit, also can cause a group of readers, this isn't kill?

From small, I admire those writers, admire them excellent writing skills and rich imagination. See, they point to a piece of ordinary things become so colorful, let people read, don't forget rhyming two-syllable. Zhu ziqing's prose "hurry, let me feel time passes, the writer in the flowers, but let me understand the life philosophy. These later inspired me writing desire. This confirms the writer's determination when I. From then on, I began to realize this dream. In order to make the ideal soon become reality, I read a voracious, benefited the famous renowned nutrients, Hugo, DaZhongMa, dickens... A series of literary works of star in my mind, my writing. Before, I thought to write a composition is a torment, but now, writing to me is happy, is a kind of enjoyment. I feeling a lot from daily life can realize the life philosophy, writing let me benefit a lot!

Of course, want to become a writer from love writing, this process is not easy, it will be full of hardships, full of bitter. Remember someone once said that the famous monument generation is also available for posterity, monument, walls and admiration and follow that many people fear and retreat. So, for me, it is to become a real writer, the first to be a solid foundation. In daily life, I always learn to hold such idea, read more, think more and more, learn more, listen more and more. Reading is reading, the accumulation of beauty lovers, let oneself of ci meaningful work, Think more is excellent in appreciation, analytical and absorption, and creative use of his works to, Read and listen to the small things in life is accumulated, choose the material, can yourself skillfully into their works. Many famous and so do, as the resurrection is LieFu according to hear a story Tolstoy and tragic realistic life and harmony, real people or things easier to produce shock effect, Learn to learn more writing skills, it is the most important, if only in words and die, write articles is empty, showy, Writing is often more practice, which is the most important to improve writing a link. For a true writer when the ideal, I have been in the aspects of doing the unremitting efforts.

What is the ideal of life is ideal, ZhiLuBiao, he can bring people desire motivation. Although my ideal looks very far away, but I believe that through my effort, the ideal in the near future will become a reality!

漏测 英文怎么翻译

To avoid missed measures by the reason of loping away in the operation

missed measure 名词短语

miss the measure 动词短语


According to psychologist can lead to things of interest and the characteristics of students interested in research, combined with the characteristics of English subject and the new curriculum standards, this article on how to train students interested in English learning, teachers in the establishment of harmony student relationship; use reasonable teaching strategies; create a pleasant learning environment; the use of flexible teaching methods; classroom activities, the combination of these five areas are discussed.

爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。”学习的兴趣在学习中起着尤为重要的角色。 Einstein once said: "Interest is the best teacher." Learning is particularly interested in learning plays an important role. 兴趣,就像一把开启知识宝库的钥匙,能够产生无法估量的学习动力。 Interest, as a key to open the treasure house of knowledge, learning can produce immeasurable power. 如果没有兴趣,学习就犹如无源之水,无本之木。 If you are not interested in learning to like a river without water, without a tree. 两千多年前我国的孔子就指出:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”强调的正是兴趣的重要性。 China's Confucius two thousand years ago, said: "aware of and those who were not as good, better than the music and those who were." Stressed is the importance of interest. 又如苏霍姆林斯基指出:“学习兴趣是学习活动的重要动力。”古今中外不少思想家、教育家和心理学家都有不少关于兴趣方面的论述。 Another example Suhomlinski said: "interest in learning is an important driving force of learning activities." Many ancient and modern thinkers, educators and psychologists have a lot of interest in respect. 可见学习兴趣会对学习有很大的促进作用。 Shows interest in learning will be a great role in promoting learning. 因此,在英语学习中,教师首先应该先去激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,提高学生主动参与的积极性。 Therefore, learning English, teachers must first have to go to inspire and develop students interest in learning, improve their active participation in the initiative.

“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣”在新课程标准中被列为基础教育阶段英语课程的任务的第一条。 "Inspire and develop students interest in learning English" in the new curriculum standards in basic education is listed as English courses the first task. 首先,我们先了解下什么是学习兴趣,才能更好的针对其特点提出合理的教学策略和方法。 First, we first understand what is under the interest in learning to better characteristics for its reasonable teaching strategies and methods.

心理学研究表明,人的兴趣是在需要的基础上、在活动中发生并发展起来的。 Psychological research shows that people's interest is the basis of need, in the Event and developed. 学习兴趣是学生基于自己的学习需要而表现出来的一种认识倾向,具体表现为对学习的好恶程度。 Interest in learning is the student learning needs based on their demonstrated understanding of a tendency, manifested in the degree of learning of likes and dislikes. 具有浓厚学习兴趣的学生,通常会集中精力、兴致勃勃地去学习,一旦成功或取得了一定成绩,学生就会从中获得巨大的满足感,感受愉悦的体验,从而促进学习兴趣的深化和丰富,产生新的学习需要,学生将采取更为积极的学习态度和学习行为。 Students with a strong interest in learning, usually focus on, interested in the learning process, if successful, or has made some achievements, students will learn from it immensely rewarding, enjoyable experience feelings, to facilitate learning and the Enrichment of interest, generating new learning needs, students will take a more positive learning attitudes and learning behaviors.

因此,根据心理学家对能引起兴趣的事物的研究和学生兴趣的特点的研究,结合英语学科的特点以及新课程标准的要求,本文就如何培养学生在英语学习中的兴趣,在建立和谐融洽的师生关系;运用合理的教学策略;创造轻松愉快的学习环境;运用灵活多样的教学方法;课内外活动相结合,这五个方面进行了探讨。 Thus, according to psychologist can lead to things of interest and the characteristics of students interested in combining the characteristics of English subject and the new curriculum standards, this article on how to develop students interest in learning English, in the establishment of harmony teacher-student relationship; use reasonable teaching strategies; to create a relaxed and happy learning environment; the use of flexible teaching methods; classroom activities combined with the five areas discussed.

1、建立和谐融洽的师生关系从教师自身特点出发,尊重学生的情感。 1, the establishment of harmonious relations between teachers and students from the characteristics of teachers themselves, respect the feelings of students. 良好的师生关系是搞好教学的关键。 Good relationships between teachers and improve teaching. 老师在课堂上要时时注意寓尊重理念于教学中,常用激励的语言鼓励学生,及时对学生给予肯定。 Teachers in the classroom must always pay attention to respect the concept of Apartments in teaching, the language commonly used incentives to encourage students to students in time for sure. 学生只要受到了老师的关注和不断的肯定,他们才会有成功感。 Students will be the teacher's attention and keep the positive, they have a sense of achievement. 也只有这样,学生才会逐渐对你任教的学科感兴趣,才有可能提高学习成绩。 Only in this way, students will gradually teach the subject of your interest, be possible to improve academic performance. 教师要提高自身素质,更新和拓展自己的知识面,做到博学多才,获得学生的敬佩与信赖;同时要热爱、尊重、关心、宽容学生,与学生建立融洽的师生关系。 Teachers should improve their own quality, update and expand their knowledge, learned to do it, get the students respect and trust; the same time to love, respect, care, tolerance students and the establishment of harmonious relations between teachers and students. 因此,作为教师必须具有足够的耐心与信心。 Therefore, as teachers must have enough patience and confidence. 教师要尊重学生的情感,因势利导,沟通情感,让“亲其师,信其道”这句格言永存于教师与学生之间。 Teachers should respect the feelings of students to the prevailing circumstances, to communicate emotion, to "pro-his teacher, the letter of its Road" adage prevail in between teachers and students.

2、运用合理的教学策略(1)让学生明确英语的重要性和学好英语的必要性通过搜集的资料向学生说明当前英语使用的广泛性。 2, using a reasonable teaching strategies (1) enable students to clear the importance of English and learn English by the need to explain to the students to collect information on the current extensive use of English. 结合时事,如:中国加入WTO、北京成功申办奥运会、上海将要举办世博会、教育部公布并实施英语新课程标准。 Combination of current events, such as: China's accession to WTO, Beijing's successful bid to host the Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo will be held in the Ministry of Education announced and implemented the new curriculum standards in English. 通过种种措施,让学生懂得学好英语是日常生活的需要、个人发展的需要、时代发展的需要、我国经经济建设和社会发展的需要。 Through these measures, so that students know how to learn English is the everyday needs and personal development needs, the needs of the times, our country through economic and social development. “社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。许多国家在基础教育发展战略中,都把英语教育作为公民素质教育的重要组成部分,并将其摆在突出的位置。” "Social life of information technology and economic globalization, so that the importance of English have become increasingly prominent. English as one of the most important information carrier, has all spheres of life of mankind the most widely used language. 许多 countries in basic education development strategies in English education as citizens regarded an important component of quality education, and its in a prominent position. "


Hohhot, Is the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, it is the economic, cultural, scientific, educational and financial center in Inner Mongolia, the call packet silver urban agglomeration core cities, HBE city group center city.

Hohhot has a long history and splendid culture, is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, formerly known as Guisui, formerly Suiyuan provincial capital, after Mongolia Sui merger, the regional capital Hohhot moved by the Ulanhot. [1] Hohhot is Mongolian, meaning "green city." Hohhot is a city inhabited by 41 ethnic Mongolian, Han, Hui, Manchu, Daur, Evenki and the like. There are international train routes to Ulan Bator.

Hohhot is a national historical and cultural city, national forest city, national innovation pilot cities, the national model city of national unity and progress, national support model city, China Excellent Tourism City and economic strength hundred cities in China, known as "China milk are" .


Teacher: the classmate,

Hello! Today, I want to topic is my dream.

BianLan prodect, any one's success is its ideals of youth. Einstein's famous physicists to realize my ideal of struggle, finally developed household relativity, Ms lantern in the ideal incentive nightingale, with his actions of countless soldiers warm heart... Of course, I also have ideal, is when a writer!

In my eyes, as a writer is a holy thing. Sitting on the desk, moment constantly to catch the brain of rapid flashes, will they written up, then with excitement silently with a few times, this is a kind of enjoyment. Besides writers can benefit, also can cause a group of readers, this isn't kill?

From small, I admire those writers, admire them excellent writing skills and rich imagination. See, they point to a piece of ordinary things become so colorful, let people read, don't forget rhyming two-syllable. Zhu ziqing's prose "hurry, let me feel time passes, the writer in the flowers, but let me understand the life philosophy. These later inspired me writing desire. This confirms the writer's determination when I. From then on, I began to realize this dream. In order to make the ideal soon become reality, I read a voracious, benefited the famous renowned nutrients, Hugo, DaZhongMa, dickens... A series of literary works of star in my mind, my writing. Before, I thought to write a composition is a torment, but now, writing to me is happy, is a kind of enjoyment. I feeling a lot from daily life can realize the life philosophy, writing let me benefit a lot!

Of course, want to become a writer from love writing, this process is not easy, it will be full of hardships, full of bitter. Remember someone once said that the famous monument generation is also available for posterity, monument, walls and admiration and follow that many people fear and retreat. So, for me, it is to become a real writer, the first to be a solid foundation. In daily life, I always learn to hold such idea, read more, think more and more, learn more, listen more and more. Reading is reading, the accumulation of beauty lovers, let oneself of ci meaningful work, Think more is excellent in appreciation, analytical and absorption, and creative use of his works to, Read and listen to the small things in life is accumulated, choose the material, can yourself skillfully into their works. Many famous and so do, as the resurrection is LieFu according to hear a story Tolstoy and tragic realistic life and harmony, real people or things easier to produce shock effect, Learn to learn more writing skills, it is the most important, if only in words and die, write articles is empty, showy, Writing is often more practice, which is the most important to improve writing a link. For a true writer when the ideal, I have been in the aspects of doing the unremitting efforts.

What is the ideal of life is ideal, ZhiLuBiao, he can bring people desire motivation. Although my ideal looks very far away, but I believe that through my effort, the ideal in the near future will become a reality!

关于友谊的英语短文(带中文翻译的) 20分

Everyone has his own good friend. So do I.My best friend is A.He is 16 years old . He has a round face with big eyes. And he looks very tall and thin.

In our spare time we often play football together because we both like sports. Besides,he is good at not only English but also maths,but I am weak in maths.So he often helps me with it after school.

I still remember that he was ill last week and couldn`t go to school.So I went to his home to help him with his lessons after school every day.He felt very happy.

I think good friends should not only help each other but also share happiness and sadness together.I believe that"A friend in need is a friend indeed."





PS: 这篇不是演讲文,是一篇中考满分文。虽然它没有优美的文段。(可能达不到演讲稿的水平)但是我认为很适合初学者,而且最后一段也写得很好。加油。


Teacher: the classmate,

Hello! Today, I want to topic is my dream.

BianLan prodect, any one's success is its ideals of youth. Einstein's famous physicists to realize my ideal of struggle, finally developed household relativity, Ms lantern in the ideal incentive nightingale, with his actions of countless soldiers warm heart... Of course, I also have ideal, is when a writer!

In my eyes, as a writer is a holy thing. Sitting on the desk, moment constantly to catch the brain of rapid flashes, will they written up, then with excitement silently with a few times, this is a kind of enjoyment. Besides writers can benefit, also can cause a group of readers, this isn't kill?

From small, I admire those writers, admire them excellent writing skills and rich imagination. See, they point to a piece of ordinary things become so colorful, let people read, don't forget rhyming two-syllable. Zhu ziqing's prose "hurry, let me feel time passes, the writer in the flowers, but let me understand the life philosophy. These later inspired me writing desire. This confirms the writer's determination when I. From then on, I began to realize this dream. In order to make the ideal soon become reality, I read a voracious, benefited the famous renowned nutrients, Hugo, DaZhongMa, dickens... A series of literary works of star in my mind, my writing. Before, I thought to write a composition is a torment, but now, writing to me is happy, is a kind of enjoyment. I feeling a lot from daily life can realize the life philosophy, writing let me benefit a lot!

Of course, want to become a writer from love writing, this process is not easy, it will be full of hardships, full of bitter. Remember someone once said that the famous monument generation is also available for posterity, monument, walls and admiration and follow that many people fear and retreat. So, for me, it is to become a real writer, the first to be a solid foundation. In daily life, I always learn to hold such idea, read more, think more and more, learn more, listen more and more. Reading is reading, the accumulation of beauty lovers, let oneself of ci meaningful work, Think more is excellent in appreciation, analytical and absorption, and creative use of his works to, Read and listen to the small things in life is accumulated, choose the material, can yourself skillfully into their works. Many famous and so do, as the resurrection is LieFu according to hear a story Tolstoy and tragic realistic life and harmony, real people or things easier to produce shock effect, Learn to learn more writing skills, it is the most important, if only in words and die, write articles is empty, showy, Writing is often more practice, which is the most important to improve writing a link. For a true writer when the ideal, I have been in the aspects of doing the unremitting efforts.

What is the ideal of life is ideal, ZhiLuBiao, he can bring people desire motivation. Although my ideal looks very far away, but I believe that through my effort, the ideal in the near future will become a reality!
















参见: [spiedl.aip ] [link.aip ] [books.google]等.

英语高手们,求一篇英文演讲稿: 题目:Adversities make men wise逆境成才 长度在4分钟左右。

Adversity is the precondition for success of the prodect of talented people are growing up in adversity.

Some people might put forward, their environment as well as others, even the food and clothing problems, how can not soulte his study? I think this is just lazy people reluctant to study a excuses. Turn over the world, a few celebrity environment is good?

British writers and poets, we are again shakeespeare familiar, but again a few people really know sand the learning environment of fame weng before? Shakeespeare originally just does odd custody of horses, and the theatre, but his playing odd jobs just because of adversity and complain, but a have free will from theaters under the drama and introduces the performance, peep by this persistent "he stole learning" spirit, finally make himself famous in the world.

If you now will be in adversity, don't be sad can discover, adversity may be a good thing.

In 1913 China is imperialist invasion, all things will be imported from foreign countries. The chemist HouDeBang in this unprecedented of adversity after 500 times experiment, invented the "HouShi system exists." Won honor for his motherland.

Adversity is not daunting reasons. It instead can give a person a kind of extraordinary pressure, the pressure is different from the parents give children pressure, the teacher to students, but the pressure of environment for people to an even higher level of stress. It is not the simple, it can get to the person's successful plays a vital role, without it you may not know how Shakespeare this man, without it "HouShi system exists" could not succeed, no it won't win honor for the country TongDi weeks, no adversity China also won't build atomic bombs.

Anyhow, adversity is the precondition for success, it can make us success percentage stone-sculpture greatly enhance the disadvantage is the star appeared in adversity.
