> 唯美句子 > helptodosth造句



help to do sth


I heip to do the housework. 我帮着做家务.

help doing sth

通常用于 can't help doing sth.


比如: I can't help eating more.我禁不住吃很多.

help do sth. help to do sth. help doing sth.的区别

一般不说help do sth. 或者help doing sth.,只说help to do sth.,以及help sb do sth. 和help sb to do sth.表示“帮助某人做某事”。

help to do sth. 表示“帮助做某事”。

help sb do sth. 和help sb to do sth.的区别在于:help sb do sth. 是比较直接的帮助,而help sb to do sth.则是间接帮助。

例如:表示help sb do homework “辅导某人做作业”;help sb to do homework.则是“(直接帮助某人做作业)”。

I can help to open the door. 我可以帮忙开门。

help do sth是正有确表达吗?这种用法和help to do sth与什么区别,谢谢

在主动语态下,help sb do sth 和 help sb to do sth 都可以,但在被动语态下,不定式必须带 to,即 be helped to do sth。

help sb to do sth造句

I help my mother to do housework.


可以是help sb do sth 也可以是help sb to do sth。这里的to可以省略。


用make it possible for sb to do sth这些词造句并翻译所造句子

The food made it possible for him to survive



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用下列句型造句 help sb.with sth. help sb. to do sth.

They eat the same food as themWe need someone to help do the repairs.He made\have his bike repairedcome to one's help (come to sb )

How to take notes.以上是5个句子。the same as本身是一个形容词类的东东,相当于一个名词的修饰物,也就是名词的附属物。要不要用be动词取决于the same as后面跟的名词和整句话的关系。

比如第一句话当中,he is ....age,这是在说一个人有多大年纪,你想想,不管he是不是跟she一样大,都要用到is这个词来表达he的年龄。

然而在第二句话当中,they eat food,不管they吃的是不是一样的food,都不需要用到be动词,而是用到eat,“吃”这个动作,所以无需用be动词。help sb doing sth是 在帮助某人当某事 已经开始了

help sb to do sth是 去帮助某人当某事 还没开始的 make to do和make doing 是两种表达方式。make、have、let三个为使役动词,其后跟省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,即:make\have\let sb. do sth.(让某人做某事)例如:The teacher made him wait outside.(主动语态);在被动语态的句子中,则要还原不定式的符号to,即:He was made to wait outside.

也有make\have sb. doing sth.的结构,意思为:让某人一直做某事,强调动作的持续性。例如:The boss made the workers working from dawn to dark.(老板让工人们从黎明一直工作到天黑。)

另外还有make\have sth. done,指让别人帮助完成某事,例如:He made\have his bike repaired.(他让人帮他修理自行车。) .

用ask sb to do sth造句(初一)


I asked to see the Director. 我要求见主任。


Couldn't you ask Jon to the party? 你不能邀请乔恩参加聚会吗


She said she had been asked to take two suitcases to Africa by a man called Sean.她说有个名叫肖恩的男人要她带两个手提箱去非洲。


She asked me back to her house. 她又邀请我去了她家。

help sb do sth和help sb to do sth有什么区别

help sb do sth与help sb doing sth

一、关于 help sb do sth

help sb do sth是大家比较熟悉的结构,通常也可说成help sb to do sth,其意为 “帮助某人做某事”,两者常可通用——即其中的不定式符号to可以省略,也可以保留。如:

We helped her (to) find her things. 我们帮她找东西。

I helped him (to) repair his bike. 我帮他修自行车。

Mother helped me (to) do my homework. 妈妈帮助我做家庭作业。

Will you help me (to) choose myself a new coat? 请你帮我选件新大衣好吗?

Can anyone help me (to) fill in this tax form? 有谁能帮我填写税单吗?

When she fell, a friend rushed to help her (to) get up. 她摔倒时,一个朋友冲上前把她扶起来。

二、关于 help sb doing sth

help sb doing sth 也是正确的表达,它也表示帮助某人做某事,可视为 help sb in doing sth 省略介词 in 得来。如:

I need contacts that could help in finding a job. 我需要能帮我找到工作的社会关系。

He helped her carrying her shopping home. 他帮她把买的东西提回家。

Help sb do sth和 Help sb to do sth意思相同吗? ??????????

help sb. do sth.,help sb. to do sth.,help sb. with sth.


help sb. do sth.是help sb. to do sth.的简略形式,它们可互相使用。

Sometimes I help my mother(to)do the cooking. 有时候我帮我母亲做饭。

He helped me(to)find my watch. 他帮我找到了手表。

在help sb. with sth.中with是介词,其后接名词或代词。

Tom helps me with my maths. 汤姆帮我学数学。

I like helping my mother with the housework. 我喜欢帮妈妈做家务。

同样 could you help me with 后面也是要加名词的,与could you help me do 的区别与help sb do sth 和help sb with sth 的区别性质是一样的

造句ask sb to do sth

He will ask me to do it for him.


Mary asked Jack to do the chores with her.


Mom asked me to help him with the dishes.


The kid asked me to play with him.


I want to ask my friend to help me with this problem, but the teacher doesn't allow.

