> 唯美句子 > 急急急!!!欧美军事题材电影中有哪些



Oscar Mike:等同于On The Move 例:solid copy , we're oscar mike , out

Whiskey Hotel=WH=White House


Tango:敌人 一般指巡逻兵,哨兵

LZ=landing zone 一般指直升机降落区 e.g. The LZ is too hot.直升机预定降落点正在打得不可开交(意思是不好降落)

ETA=estimate time arrived 预计到达时间

bingo fuel:最小返航油量。飞机的仪器提醒这个的话意味着要返航了,不然返航油量不够了

F.N.G.=fucking new guy 新兵蛋子

RTB:return to base

dog patrol :巡逻狗

dead ahead :正前方

ready up = rock n roll = let's do this!开战吧

on my mark :听我口令

Tango= target

ten-four = message received, 收到消息

twenty = location, What's your 20? = What's your location? Where are you? = 你在哪里,告诉我你的位置

K.I.A:Killed In Action 阵亡

M.I.A:Missed In Action 失踪

E.T.A: 预计到达时间 例:"RTB,eta,two minutes"

Fox One:发射半主动雷达制导导弹 例如麻雀

Fox Two: 发射红外制导导弹 例如响尾蛇

Fox Three: 发射主动雷达制导导弹 例如 AMRAAM AM-120

Fox Four: 发射机炮

北约的无线电通信代号,防止无线电口音差别造成意思混淆 美军也用于士兵口语

A alpha

B Bravo

C Charlie

D Delta

E Echo

F Fox

G Golf

H Hotel

I India

J Juliet

K Kilo

L Lima

M Mike

N NOvember

O Oscar

P Papa

Q Quebec

R Romeo

S Sierra

T Tango

U Uniform

V Victor

W Whisky

X X Ray

Y Yankee

Z Zulu



Officer Down, All Patrols Respond

'(Ten-Double Zero)'

10-0 Caution



Unit logging off (NZ Police)


Poor Reception

Officer Needs Help

Unable to Copy

Call your command (New York City)

Message to all units (NZ Police)


Good Reception

OK For Now, Continue With Status Checks

Return to your command (New York City)

Telephone call

Unit is en route to job (NZ Police)


Ok, No Further Status Checks Needed

Call your dispatcher {aka 'Central'} (New York City)

Report to Headquarters

Hold all radio traffic, emergency on channel

Busy - Standby

Unit Available (NZ Police)





Repeat your last message (NZ Police)



Pick up an item

Drop off an item

Repeat message (New York City)

Out of service for a short time (now obsolete) (NZ Police)



Out At Call

Stand by (New York City)

Change channel... (NZ Police)


Out of Service

Ending tour of Duty

Not functional (as a vehicle)

(Ambulance) On Scene

Request Break

Proceeding to ___

Unit has arrived at job (NZ Police)


Back In Service

On Duty

Available for next Call

(Ambulance) In Service / En Route

Unit busy but available (NZ Police)


Repeat last message

Urgent message (NZ Police)

On Location of Incident

(Ambulance) On route to hospital with patient

Person with misdemeanor warrant (Michigan)


1.Bingo(fuel) 愿意是指猜对游戏中的答案。这里的意思是仅够返回基地的燃料,其他都已经用尽的状态。 mKtZ@r)u

2.Bogey:愿指妖怪或可怕的人,这里指在发现敌机到来之前的身份不明的飞机,而他们往往比敌机还可怕。 ^6mlE+WY

3.Boola-Boola:这是一首耶鲁大学橄榄球队的加油歌曲,现在暗指遥控无人驾驶飞机被击中坠毁时的无线电信号。 <g5Bt wo%

4.Chick:愿意是“刚孵出的小鸡”,这是美军对友军飞机的一种善意讽刺 xIf,1g@Cq9

5.Cold Nose:“冷鼻头”,比较有意思的词。指雷达停止的状态。雷达不工作,机鼻当然要冷了啊。 AQU4~g mI

6.Buzzer:蜂鸣器,这里的意思是电子通信干扰。 #QQ \ xj

7.Clean:干净的。指战机没有被雷达探测到的“洁净”状态。 @a)@1:=Rm

8.Dogfight:空中近距离格斗。是一个让每一位热爱空战游戏的人热血沸腾的词。 ++F #Z(p

9.Eyeball:眼球。用来形容那些十分娇气的光学传感组件最合适不过了。 SJ^ .#^)

10.Feet Dry:指飞机从海上进入到陆地上空的时候使用的无线电用语。相反“Feet Wet”表示从陆地上空进入海洋上空。 bdk"7N

11.Fingertip:指尖的意思。美国飞行员把除了拇指以外的4根手指比作航空机的4机编队。中指是第1编队长机,食指是僚机,无名指和小指是第2编队长机和僚机。 12.Fox:狐狸。这里指空对空导弹发射是的信号。 Fox1:发射半主动雷达制导空空导弹 Fox2:发射红外线制导空空导弹 Fox3:发射主动雷达制导空空导弹 '0GCaL*Sd

13.Furball:毛线团的意思,指多架飞机在进行空战时混战的状态。 D)8&v` L S

14.Gadget:来自经典动画片《G型神探》。这里则指“神通广大”的火控雷达。 15.Martin Baker Fan Club:马叮.贝克追星俱乐部。这里指那些具有丰富射击经验的人。 sb Z)z#Tr

16.Milk Run:指比较安全的战斗任务。 \eH~1@\S

17.Music:愿意指音乐。这里指实行电子干扰。对飞行员来说那的确是天籁之音。 18.Naked:意思是裸体的。这里指雷达警报接收机没有反应的状态。相反“Slike”长钉,指雷达警报接收机有反应,象有钉子刺进飞行员的屁股里。 oh-Y

19.Nugget:“金块”,指美国金子般昂贵的战斗机飞行员。 m ,,-rC

20.Sandwich:“三明治”,特指同时2架飞机被敌机追踪时,1架战机进行诱敌,而另一架战机寻机向敌机发动攻击。使敌机不管向那个方向作机动都有战机追踪的夹击战术。 T|Sz~nO }f

21.Zipper:“拉链”,这里指在使用无线电通信时,两次按下传声器按钮表示“明白” @D^y<7(


lock and load 子弹上膛

fire in the hole、 要爆炸了!

target down、击中目标

cover my six、掩护我背后/六点钟方向

find the enemies inbound.发现附近有敌人



[ʃɔrt /ʃɔːt]

n. 短片; 短篇小说; 短文;


adj. 短的; 缩写的; 矮的;


adv. 突然, 不足,


v. 故意少给,



adj.(形容词) short.er,short.est

1.Having little length; not long.短的:长度很短的不长的

2.Having little height; not tall.矮的:高度很低的;不高的

3.Extending not far or not far


a short toss.一次投得很近的投掷

4.Lasting a brief time:短时间的:延续时间很短的:

a short holiday.很短的假期

5.Appearing to pass quickly:短暂的:似乎很快就过去的:

finished the job in a few short months.在短短几个月内就完成了工作

6.Not lengthy; succinct:简短的:不冗长的;简洁的:

short and to the point.简短扼要的

7.Rudely brief; abrupt.简慢的;唐突的

8.Easily provoked; irascible.暴躁的:很容易生气的;性情暴躁的

9.Inadequate; insufficient:短缺的;不中的:

oil in short supply; were short on experience.石油短缺;缺乏经验

10.Lacking in length or amount:不到、不足的:在长度或数量上缺少的:

a board that is short two inches.一块差两英寸的木板

11.Lacking in breadth or scope:短浅的:宽度或广度上缺少的:

a short view of the problem.对问题目光短浅的看法

12.Deficient in retentiveness:保留性差的:

a short memory.记忆力差的

13.Not owning the stocks or

commodities one is selling in anticipation of a fall in prices.卖空的:预计到价格可能下跌而出卖自己并不拥有股票或商品

14.Of or relating to a short sale.卖空的或与卖空有关的

15.Containing a large amount of

shortening; flaky:脆的:含有大量起酥油的;松脆的:

a short pie crust.松脆的馅饼皮

16.Not ductile; brittle:易裂的:不易变形的;易碎的:

short iron.脆铁

17.Linguistics Of, relating to,

or being a speech sound of relatively brief duration, as the first vowel sound

in the Latin wordm²lus, “evil,” as

compared with the same or a similar sound of relatively long duration, as the

first vowel sound in the Latin word m³lus, “apple tree.”



中第一个元音音节与拉丁词“苹果树” malus 中第一个元音音节相比持续时间相对较短

18.Grammar Of, relating to, or

being a pronunciation of vowel sounds, as the pronunciation (²) inpat, (µ) in

pet, (&9{¹}) in pit, (¼)

in pot, (¾) in putt, and

(‹) in put.


短音的:元音音节发音很短的,与这种音节有关的或是这种音节的,如pat 中的(a)音, pet 中的(e)音, pit

中的(i)音, pot 中的(o)音, putl 中的(u)音, put 中的(‹)音

19.Historically descended from a vowel

of brief duration.


20.Unstressed; unaccented. Used of a

syllable in accentual prosody.


21.Being of relatively brief duration.

Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody.


22.Slang Close to the end of a

tour of military duty.【俚语】 军事执勤临近结束的


1.Abruptly; quickly:突然地;迅速地:

stop short.突然地停住

2.In a rude or curt manner.简慢地:以一种粗鲁或简慢的方式地

3.At a point before a given limit or


a missile that landed short of the target.一枚在目标前不远停止飞行的导弹

4.At a disadvantage:处于不利位置地:

We were caught short by the sudden storm.我们被一切突如其来的风暴弄得狼狈不堪

5.Without owning what one is selling:以空头方式:没有拥有自己所卖东西地:

selling a commodity short.以空头方式卖商品


1.Something short, as:比较短的事物,比如

2.Linguistics A briefly

articulated speech sound or syllable.

【语言学】 短音(节):一个发音很短的语音或音节

3.A brief film; a short subject.短片:电影短片

4.A size of clothing less long than

the average for that size.


5.shorts Short trousers extending to

the knee or above.

shorts 短裤:直到膝盖或者膝盖以上的短裤子

6.shorts Men's undershorts.shorts 男用短衬裤

7.A short sale.卖空

8.One that sells short.卖空的人

9.shorts A byproduct of wheat

processing that consists of germ bran and coarse meal or flour.shorts 细麸粉:麦加工时的副产品,由麦麸芽,粗磨粉或面粉组成

10.shorts Clippings or trimmings that

remain as byproducts in various manufacturing processes, often used to make an

inferior variety of the product.



11.A short circuit.短路

12.A malfunction caused by a short


13.Baseball A shortstop.【棒球】 游击手

v.(动词) short.ed,short.ing,shorts


1.To cause a short circuit in.使短路:在…上引起短路

2.Informal To give (one) less

than one is entitled to; shortchange.【非正式用语】


3.To sell (a stock that one does not

own) in anticipation of making a profit when its price falls; make a short sale.卖空:预计到价格下跌时可盈利而卖(自己并不拥有的股票);卖空

4.To sell unowned stock in (the stock

market) in anticipation of making a profit when prices fall.卖空股:预计到当价格下降时可以盈利而在(股市中)出售并不拥有的股票