> 唯美句子 > 用minddoingsth造句10句


mind doing sth造句10句

Do you mind doing this with me?


Do you mind opending the door?


Would you mind washing your hands?


Would you mind doing sth 怎么造句

Would you mind reading it?


Would you mind my using your book?


Would you mind telling me your age?


用下列词组造句:1.mind doing 2.hope to do 3.how do you like 4.agree with sb


I do not mind eating fish in this evening.


I hope to do it with my sister.


How do you like go to school?


I agree with you opinion.

would mind sb doing sth造句

I would mind you doing that thing.

用"mind doing sth"怎么造句?

1、Do you mind opending the door?


2、Would you mind doing sth for me?


3、Would you mind reading it?


4、Would you mind my using your book?


5、Would you mind telling me your age?


6、Do you mind doing this with me?


7、Would you mind not playing beseball here?


8、Would you mind doing sth ?


9、Would you mind doing me a favour?


10、Do you mind if I turningthe volume up?


not doing 造句

would you mind not opening the window?

would you mind not closing the door?

would you mind not spilling it out?

would you mind not turning down the volume?

would you mind not turning off the light?


1、I mind smoking in public.我介意在公共场合吸烟。

2、I will go to sleep right away.我马上去睡觉。

3、Will they get out the book?他们将出版这本书吗?

4、I get up at six o'clock.我在六点起床。

5、Please put on the dress.请穿上这条裙子。

6、I never wash the dishes.我从不洗碗。

7、Can you turn down the TV?你能把电视声音调小吗?

8、My teacher help me with my English.我的老师帮助我的英语。

9、I can't stand you.我不能忍受你。

10、I like drinking milk.我喜欢喝牛奶。

11、Please wait in line.请排队。

12、My sister gets annoyed.我的姐姐生气了。

13、I follow you all the time.我一直跟着你。

14、I want to be a teacher in the future.我将来想当一名老师。

15、It is best to do your homework.写作业最好。

16、Don't smoke in public.不要在公共场合吸烟。

17、I see the boys playing football.我看到这些男孩踢足球。

18、He is one of the best teachers in our school.


19、Put out the fire!熄灭火!

20、Be careful!It’s dangerous!小心!那危险!

21、She's the best in the world!她是世界上最棒的!

22、Please pick me up.请搭载我。


用动名词造句 要用mind 还有 你建议我去干嘛干嘛吗 和你建议你去干嘛干嘛吗 分别怎么造

Would you mind my opening the window?

change one's mind造句子

She is constantly changing her mind.她经常改变主意.

Two days later he changed his mind.两天后他改变主意了.

He find it impossible to make her change her mind.他发现使她改变主意是不可能的.

“change one's mind”这句英文怎么造句?

change one's mind 意思是改变主意,改变想法,改变心意。


Tearful begging for not change one's mind about, but will lose more embarrassed.


Each time lets the tear current of water change one's mind, irrigates the dream to start out the miracle.


Many people say I will wait for you, wait for you to change one's mind about that day。



change one's mind 改变主意 ; 改变想法 ; 转变主张 ; 想法

change e one's mind 改变某人的主意 ; 改变主意

change one's mind 改变主意

change one's mind frequently 反复无常

change one's mind to do 改变注意做某事

Change One's Mind Often 朝三暮四

to change one's mind constantly 三心二意

Perhaps Should Change One's Mind 或改初志

change one's mind constantly 翻复无常

to change one's mind 改变意识