> 唯美句子 > 用inthemajority造句


用in the majority造句

He believes that his supporters are in the majority.

People who can speak English are in the majority in this country.

The noes have it , ie Those voting ` no'are in the majority.

the majority用来强调整体的例句 【注意哦 是the majority,不是the ma

其实例子很好举,只要前半句限定范围,后面用the majority 作代词就可以,比如:People all have dreams inside their heart,but the majority choose not to pursue them.人们都心中有梦,但大多数人选择不去追求梦想。

a majority over sb怎么造句

造句:they had a large majority over their nearest rivals.

the majority of的例句


the majority of.


He was totally unresponsive to the pressing social and economic needs of the majority of the population.


the majority of 和 a majority of的区别以及用法例句

a majority of意思是许多的,大量的

An attempt to seize control of a company,as by acquiring a majority of its stock.


the majority of意思是大多数的.

The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.


single majority single ballot system是什么意思

single majority single ballot system
